telling tales I could never truly live through is a way of cheating death
I said nothing as everything I never knew cascaded from their lips like rain water from the gutters sputtering as a flood of confessions destroyed the damn I never knew I'd built around the tiny town containing the tears I'd never told and as their ocean of pain infiltrated my pond of Dead Sea ache I could feel myself rolling with the waves of our mutual heartbreak and when our lips collided it was less like the glaciers I was used to and so much more like an earthquake
two tech tonic plates never intended to be brought together creating a catastrophe, pure entropy, with nothing but a black hole between our bodies we were sucked in and before either of us knew it we had drowned and the sea of our tears turned sweet
separate we look back and break away knowing now that we're ok nothing will be the same but this decay we've created will always remain to remind us all that nothing ever came from truth telling and all we ever really wanted was uniqueness but the truth is we were searching for a likeness we never found