Between the lines of Hate and Love
After having been wronged, it is often the case that, in choosing to embrace the doctrines of love and resisting the deluge of retributive potentialities we imagine, we will have done a greater service to all parties involved, ourselves included.
Love, in the metaphysical sense, is the essence of creation, the nectar of the gods. In its presence, all is divine, and the individual may embrace and feel accepted in the acts which are in accordance with their inner-nature in the truest sense.
In the absence of love, the flame of eternal spirit within us is extinguished, run out of the fuel by which we remain within our corporeal husk as we dwell within this realm. Without love, there is no purpose for being, no final-cause to which we strive ever onward.
The doctrine of hate is nonextant, for none who have lived by its forbidding mandates has ever sought to preserve any sutras or pass-down any legacies, save for the smouldering ruins and sundered bodies left in the wake of those who delve into the unknowable emptiness and stoke the beast, from whose unremitting rage there is no escape.
Oftentimes, we make the mistake of believing some callous or mean individual to be hate-filled. In nearly all instances, this can be found to not be the case. The slip into an unhealthy love of oneself will inevitably cause the downfall of said individual, having made themselves vulnerable to corruption and avarice. Is narcissism not an unyielding, obessive love of oneself above any and all others?
Walk with love and play host to your emotions but remain ever wary that both ends of the spectrum are extreme.