My view on failure.
Failure isn't falling down, it's staying down. -James Patterson
This quote is absolutely how I feel about failure. When someone fails at something and doesn't do anything to change the situation. Everyday many people fail at small things and at gigantic things but how they deal with the aftermath is what counts.
Someone close to me had relapsed for a year after being sober for 7 years. He called me and felt so down and said he felt like such a failure. I told him that failure isn't falling down, its staying down. If he wanted to continue out using and feeling like a failure then by all means keep using, but if he wanted to change the situation and become stronger than he was before to go to rehab. He admitted himself into rehab yesterday and I am more proud of him now than I ever have been before.
Him relapsing isn't failure, in my eyes, it's growth.
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