Challenge of the Month III: January
New beginnings, a fresh start. A new chapter in an old story, or a new story altogether. Write about the start of something new. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose. $100 purse to our favorite entry. Outstanding entries will be shared with our publishing partners.
The metal clinks and rattles with ever step I take. I don't look up. Voices from near and far yell at me. I didn't do it. There are hands of two officers on either side of me testing me, waiting for me to do something. I won't. As I feel that I am coming near to my destination I hear the rattling of the keys behind me that will soon loosen the grips on my wrists. I deserve it. I enter the room by comand as the door behind me slams shut and I wince. I am alone. Finally. Now, what have done?