Challenge of the Month IV: February
The Villain. Some villains may be innately evil. Others may be the product of unfortunate circumstance. Still others may simply be misunderstood - heroes willing to do the unsavory, but ultimately necessary deed. Tell the tale of a villain. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose. $100 purse to our favorite entry. Outstanding entries will be shared with our publishing partners.
How can you disparage that which is trying to survive? How can I rebuke when I am the invader? I who infiltrated her without her permission, how she clutched her drenched shirt cursing her terrible luck, how could I lift my lips in protest when I cast myself, a pebble into the sea, the recoil reaching its tendrils to each shore?
With each raise of her hand, I understood this fact. With each curl of her teeth speaking sharpened knives of criticism into my skin, permeating the flesh, straight to the bone, carving each curve into her image. This is what she was able to control, this entity she has the power to alter.
She was not the villain. I was.