Growing cold
At times I feel dismissive
Days can go by and I see them different
A callous on my soul
A chill runs down my spirit
You hear it?
Could of sworn it sounded like me not giving a shit
But I do tho...
Just not about what you think
If for a second I feel you about to sink I'll come running
It won't be funny
At the drop of a hat id set the world a burning.
But you don't need that
You need a wall to shield you when the heavens come crashing down
An umbrella to block the rain pouring into your life
Most times
You just need a friend
But I'll be damned if that's me
One strike
Is an opportunity
Two is consistency
And three gives me four reasons to not want to see you five times out of the week
There Are four letters in love
but none of them are u
What we had were two kids who didn't know that one of them wanted to eat the heart of the other
congrats tho sweetheart
You left us both heartless
Broken battered
Screaming ant what ever deity we thought mattered
To fix the clangs
The crashes
The clatters
To bring back the sun you stole from me
The vacant memories running on empty because you filled all of them
The matress you and my former best friend ruined
The birthdays I wanted to spend with you
The moment of passion that was my first kiss
The nights of terror comforting you from your demons
That creep in
Deep in
To say that I loved you would be undeniable truth
But those times are buried right where my heart is
And I love you isn't true for me anymore