Challenge of the Month IV: February
The Villain. Some villains may be innately evil. Others may be the product of unfortunate circumstance. Still others may simply be misunderstood - heroes willing to do the unsavory, but ultimately necessary deed. Tell the tale of a villain. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose. $100 purse to our favorite entry. Outstanding entries will be shared with our publishing partners.
Pleased to meet you
I am the greatest villain the world has ever known. I‘ve never done anything to anyone; at least nothing that can be pinned on me. I get others to do terrible things on my behalf.
I make promises that I will not keep and then tell the people I’ve lied to that it’s their fault that I didn’t keep my word.
I sit on mountains of gold, quote archaic words from long dead strangers and convince as many people as I can that I’m the only one who knows the truth.
Four fifths of the world loves me and the rest just wish I didn’t exist.
By now you’ve probably guessed one of my many names. If you haven’t, I pray you don’t because I want prey on you.