I often find that when prompted to do things, my mind almost always naturally goes blank. It's as if I have never heard a song, seen a movie, or written anything down, ever in my life.
For instance, as instructed, I am sharing whatever comes to my mind. However fortunate or otherwise, I am unable to think of anything aside from the immediate stream-of-consciousness that burbles and baubles out from the very tips of my fingers.
And these moments of blank-eted nothingness never come at an appropriate time. But rather, they only come when there is an underlying level of pressure to perform. But never when I request a silenced mind, oh no, that is when I am at my creative peak.
But creativity that comes spurting out, unpromptedly, can result in a gobbledup smoosh-like smatter than hardly has any relevance, to neither yourself nor others. So from this, you can begin to deduce that I am at quite a stand-still in my writing capabilities as of late.
I lack any sort of pre-thought, fore-thought, sub-thought, or after-thought that is not
just rather, untimely--
to say the least.
And thus I have never found myself very good at trivia.