Challenge of the Month V: March
Close Encounter. A gunshot wound barely survived. A disease in fateful remission. A reaper, narrowly evaded. Write about a close encounter with death. $100 purse to our favorite entry. Outstanding entries will be shared with our publishing partners. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose.
Running (A Pantoum)
The pavement was slick with invisible ice
A trap waiting to be sprung
In the crisp December air
By a trusting child- sure of her foothold
A trap waiting to be sprung
And to snap clean a neck
Of a trusting child- sure of her foothold
Running too fast
To snap clean a neck
Of a young child
Running too fast
Halted, almost too late, by a parent
A young child
In the crisp December air
Halted, almost too late, by a parent
On the pavement, slick with invisible ice