Tasting the flesh of your savior,
his blood thicker than the catholic’s wine,
it covers my throat and stains my
teeth with the mark of salvation.
His sacrifice makes it hard to breathe.
I choke on my sins and tears and
the prayers I’m called to send
and yet his body is supposed to save me.
Is it true your god accepts all repentance-
We’re asked to surrender our lives
to a being you say lives even after it dies,
but what if I don’t want to live an eternity
in the heaven where the old man,
muttering words of desire to be once again young and twenty
to an eleven year old,
who grazed and gripped and pushed against
not just my own concealed skin, will be?
Because he loved your god, you know.
He told me he already prayed for the father’s
and then proceeded to ask for my forgiveness. See god showed him mercy and I’m not above
the almighty, so surely my
forgiveness should commence.
It seemed his definition of forgive was
synonymous with silence.
Those words were whispered only once,
superiority disguised as an apology.
Quiet, hot breaths in my ear so his wife
who left him years ago through death
and my mother didn’t hear.
Is it true your god accepts all repentance-
I wonder if his wife smiled from heaven as
small girls were maimed.
Does your god forgive a
child’s gentle slaughter,
our very own savior’s daughter,
and did your lord welcome him to
eternal life with the arms of a
loving, all knowing, gracious father?
Is it true, god, he meant his repentance-
Forgive me for wishing all those nights
for a damning afterlife-long sentence
but more importantly, can I forgive myself
for choosing to cry when he finally
decided to die-
Is it true god accepts all-