Incarcerating people for possessing it results in productivity loss of individuals coming out of jail.
$9Billion are spent annually for imprisonment.
Even more for law enforcement.
2 of every 3 of drug-related incarcerated individuals are held on marijuana offenses.
Law enforcement is wasting its time on weed rather than real problems, like the HEAVY narcotics (methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, etc.)
It is often held comparable to alcohol and even tobacco, but then they charged you for it as if it were like the ‘heavy’ drugs. It is charged as a Schedule I drug.
Not exactly known to be addictive like cocaine...
It’s difficult to induce a lethal response unlike alcohol, “It would take nearly 1500 pounds of marijuana within a fifteen-minute timespan to do so,”
Could be considered better than alcohol...
Legalizing it could potentially give up to $7Bil in tax revenue.
Lastly, health effects are unclear, it is hyper criminalized.
So: Legalize!! Or reduce it to warranting a fine or something, at least.