Dear Mr. Frankenstein, not Dr. Frankenstein
1. Your last name is Frankenstein, what is your first name?
2. Would you ever follow in your father's footsteps and become a scientist?
3. If so, what kind of scientist? If not, what career would you pursue?
4. Do you have memories from the people who's body parts you are composed of?
5. If so, what are they? If not, what is the first thing you remember?
6. Do you use the bolts on your neck to charge, or was that a one time thing? If so have you thought of getting them removed?
7. Did you finally forgive your father when he died?
8. Do you regret killing William, Henry and Elizabeth?
9. Why were you going to go to South America with your companion?
10. Why the Artic?
11. What are your ideal qualities for a mate?
12. What's your favorite food?
13. Can you read?
14 What do you do for fun?
15. Do you like animals?
16. Does your hair grow?
17. Do you age?
18. What's with the suit, do you have casual clothes?
19. Do your stitches hurt?
20. Does the carpet match the drapes?