You Are Loved
One day, I was sitting in my local library, frustrated over a school project. I'd already been there hours, and as much as I enjoyed reading, the library was loud and crowded, filled with the sound of children running amok. So imagine my surprise when a complete stranger came over and handed me a yellow sticky note. It had a few simple words on it, "You are loved," along with a scribbled sun in the corner. The paper was attached to a dollar bill.
The stranger then told me the gift was to celebrate The Day of Love, which I'd never even heard of. I shakily thanked the person, so shocked I could barely speak. I watched as that same person, along with a few others, made their way through the busy library, handing out a bundle of paper to everybody in it. My parents and I left not long after that, and as we exited the building, I was still bewildered.
After we made it home, I tucked the dollar bill away in my wallet for safekeeping. I stared at the little note that had been attached, not quite sure what to do with it. I knew I couldn't throw it away; a complete stranger had given it to me from the kindness of their heart. I ended up pinning the note to my bedroom door, and it's still there, today.
Whenever I'm feeling down, I look at that simple, but meaningful message, and take reassurance in its words. Its message is clear and true. I am loved. To this day, that message has inspired me to show kindness to others. Whether it's a quick hug, a simple compliment, the words another person desperately needs to hear. I try to always be kind, so others know they're loved, too.
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