The Plague
Some people remember the day when dogs ran through the earth. They were kept in households, used for guarding and as pets. They were humanities protectors, keeping them safe from danger.
Dogs were valued by men and women all over the world. They were given to each other as gifts, used by the government, the army, the police force.
Until the Plague.
The protectors turned into the predators and they turned on their owners. The dogs, once beloved by all, were now feared and killed on sight. The government created machines to wipe them out, machines that took on the role of the dog.
These machines did the job better than expected and it only took a year before the entire dog species was declared extinct. The people celebrated, declaring that they were saved and that the government was their hero. But their joy was short lived.
Realizing the efficiency of the weapon they created, the government began to rule with an iron fist. Tearing apart all the hope the people once had, enslaving them to do the government’s bidding.
They mined the earth beneath their feet until nothing was left. No gold, no silver, no coal, no oil. Nothing. They turned on the trees, cutting them down one after the other until none remained. With nothing to clean the air and nothing to get from the earth, the environment slowly began to die. Sand took over the grass and the sun burned hotter than ever.
Cities began to crumble, people began to revolt. Realizing the mistake they made, the government no longer knew what to do. But they did know that this was not the way they were to be overthrown. They sent the new dogs into the streets, allowing them to take out anybody who dared defy them.
With this new show of power, the government knew they had gained control. The people were forced into slavery once again, rebuilding the cities into something from history. Clay houses where there once stood marble mansions. Hard dirt streets where pavement was once layered.
The government took control of everything.