Here Be Dragons!
Dragons are fucking awesome, aren't they? I don't think I need to say more about this one other than write something that has dragons in it. Anything you want to write about is fair game, as long as it as dragons in it.
The Beast
At the tip of a burgeoning volcano,
Lives a majestic beast,
Basking in the sweltering heat
Crimson, sunset, gold,
Blending together in the flames
Bursting forth, the thick scent
Of brimstone spreading
Through the murky air
The creature swoops down,
Its marbled wings flaring out
A roar, so mighty it shakes
The verdant trees far beneath,
Tears from the beast’s maw
The fabled dragon descends,
Sapphire scales gleaming
Like an ocean’s waves,
In the piercing sunlight
Of a mid afternoon day
And with that,
The creature starts anew,
Searching for its next feast
Let the terror commence