Writer’s Block
The white page stares like unblinking eyes.
I reach for my pencil, but it won’t write.
Trying to wake my brain, but it just stays sleeping.
Why won’t the words come flowing?
Ten minutes later, the page is still staring.
Blank and empty, no mark made.
The flawless white surface perfect and crisp.
Maybe that’s why my pen is held still
Afraid to mess up this page with meaningless sentences
Afraid to blemish it with a spot of ink
Afraid to see what my heart thinks
Afraid to venture into the unknown
Where critics roam.
Scared that if I miss a mark,
A word, a phrase,
That if I choose the wrong word
They’ll hunt me down and tear my ink filled page apart
Tear it apart with remarks
Re-make it to where it’s not mine
But a work of someone who is scared to own
Own what she did, what he made
Own to the mistake and the lessoned learned
Own to the unfinished masterpiece still in their hands
Afraid to open up and reveal their opinions and lives.
The page still stands without a crinkle or a spot
Still waiting for you to decide whether or not
You will step out with courage
You will choose to crinkle and blot
You will choose to shrug and turn your head
To the ugly remarks that still your pen
You think Shakespeare got it on the first try?
Go back in history and see how many people say
“It just hit me”
Without a million rewrites
It stands here, waiting on you, to fill
The page with you, not someone else
The critics may ramp and rage
But you keep writing all your days
So that one day you can stop and see
That you did finish your masterpiece
And the rewrites made it better
The critics made it sharper
The laboring was worth it
When you see you finally filled the page
You picked up your pen courageously
Step into the unknown, my friend
You’ll find that your own mind is the threat
Your own thinking stalls your pen.
Keeps your words from flowing on the page
From inspiring someone to keep fighting
From encouraging someone that they can go another day
They stay for a lifetime, on that crinkled page
Full of imperfections but also so flawless
Because you can own it
You can say
I wrote that
That is all worth it.