To Me, From Me
Hey me,
Hows life been for you?
Did you finally get a girlfriend after all this time or are you still single.
Please tell me you at least had a relationship, I beg of you.
You can't of been single for all that time.
I have no idea how far in the future this is supposed to go but I'm just saying, if I read this and I haven't accomplished my goals or getting a girlfriend, I'm gonna own.....butt.
I really don't know how that would even work but I'll make do.
Have you become the English professor that you said you were gonna be?
I really hope you have.
What about tennis? Have you been keeping up with that or have you not played in years?
Meet anyone in tennis......?
Okay, but seriously you can't be single still my guy.
All this dang time and you haven't been in one relationship yet?
What happened to the whole, "I wanna get a girlfriend that plays tennis" talk?
Wow, I'm a pretty terrible person for getting angry at myself huh?
Before I get even more depressed about getting angry at you, me, whatever, you better at LEAST be good in tennis.
Just Saying.
From myself,
Brandon Dang
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