What you resist, resists you.
Through surrender comes the ultimate power.
Death is necessary for life.
There's nothing to improve,
You are always becoming who you are.
Remember you're a star,
Impersonating a human.
Life is just a ride.
You're reborn in every moment,
Each exhale is a mini-death,
You're always creating ripple effect of vibration,
With each thought,
Each word,
Each action.
Be harmonic.
Love is that which enables choice.
All choice is based on love or fear.
Nothing is inherently good or evil but thinking makes it so.
If you want to go fast go alone,
If you want to go far, go together.
The universe will always give you the moment you need, 100% of the time.
Every moment is synchronous.
The only person judging you
Is yourself.
The voice you speak to yourself is the voice you speak to the universe,
Because you are the universe,
Pretending that you're not.
The strongest structures are the most flexible.
Embrace novelty.
Transcend opposites.
You cannot nurture others unless you can nurture yourself.
Breathing is the great renewer.
Even the most crooked paths lead toward the light.