Fireworks bold and gorgeous; can set our world a glow. I wonder though the inner fireworks of our hearts and souls, are they just dangerous words that explode and send people whirling with invisible burns?
We each have a light in us to make the world more beautiful, and yes fireworks are dangerous. Is not the danger worth it for the beauty? Maybe we should challenge ourselves to be the wonder in the world we want to see. Sure, it is dangerous, but as we explode into the colours we were chosen to be we override danger to arrive in our destiny.
We explode into brilliance as we soar above our circumstances. This is truly our calling, and sure we will not soar every time we are lit, our package may be a bit faulty, but we can keep trying, this is the gift of being human. Every day, we get to be the firework we were created to be.
Do we dare to burst into the sky and remain among the stars, or are we going to sit in the sand and be washed away by our circumstances that wet us down, are we going to be too fearful for us to be lit to shine. Sure, it is scary to soar, but I would rather soar, than just know I have potential and never use it for the benefit of others.