I struggled with this for a long time as well. I thought that if I wrote about characters with other races and cultures then I would offend someone. For a long time, my main characters were all one race, and all one gender, and so were most of the supporting characters. But I'm currently going to an art school, and I get exposed to all kinds of people, whether asian or african or hispanic or white. It doesn't make a difference. I've met people with similar interests, similar experiences, even outside my own race. So I've kind of adapted the strategy that I'll write a good character no matter what race, gender, religion, or sexuality. Some of these (mostly the religion ones) will require some research on my part. I am also writing stories mostly for Young Adults, and so I've read a bunch of popular YA novels and series. One of the authors that has influenced me for the better is Rick Riordan. He's a white, straight guy, but he writes about people from all walks of life, and that's what makes his stories so relateable and real. Through experience, I would say that, if you want to be a good writer, you virtually have to include varying cultures. It makes your writing more real. I can understand perfectly where you're coming from, but yeah. Do it.