Reminiscing about .
Spring’s Refrain
Sweet jasmine’s scent tickles my nose
Sun’s rays caress and pink cheeks
Fresh lavender’s fragrance flows
Coral poppies sway; lotus peeks
Spring breaks the winter chill’s back
Emerging from dismal, cold weeks
Gone are the trees, once with lack
Spring imbues life as she speaks
Flora, awakened; immortal
Baptized in the snow melt and rain
Cascading the canyons; creeks babble
With the birds of song; Spring’s refrain
Mountainsides splashed and adorned
Pastel hues poured, here and there
My heart once impatient; forlorned
Rejoices that Spring’s in the air
As my mind reminisces and ponders
The beauty and true miracle
When nature and seasons, asunder
Resurrect unto life, tangible
Photo Credit: Betty Hall Photography