This is an effort to keep from tripping over myself, because you know me, you know I’m all thumbs with words and two left feet when dancing.
But here’s what I know. There’s no one that loves me like you.
At my clumsiest, there you are to make me balanced. And I’m fine with me not dancing, because that means there’s more time to sit and bask in your glory.
And bask I do.
You ask me why, after all these years, all these times we’ve shared each other, why do I get nervous?
It’s always new to me, you’re always new to me, and I always want it to be as good as it can be, because you’re worth the effort.
You’re worth everything to me.
I think I’m getting clumsy again, even while sitting still, so before I stumble off towards whatever comes next, here’s the last thing I want you to know.
There’s nothing I want more than to make you happy, because you make me happy.
And I don’t need fancy words and great moves to know that.
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