Daily Eye Exercises
Use the eye to probe the terrain
until you see what is beyond
your direct eye level...
are you still on the eye level?...
seems like you need more work
before you surf onwards
into the vast Infinity Spectrum...
...rinse and repeat.
Use the eye now to dig through
the artificial artifice and the
social zoo...
these things never really existed
before you had seen them...
they are planted like a benign
in your mind, like a pair
of wax lips will
convince your mind that they
are real
though that is
indeed far from the truth...
...rinse and repeat.
Use both eyes to glance that way
and this, and don’t,
I repeat DON’T
allow your eye to become a simple
gnat or of the insect variety,
like a mosquito or common
house fly...
eyes can do so much,
but one must train each eye
so it doesn’t gloss over and become
a dead stem in our heads...
...otherwise why not just lop the
whole useless head off?...
Now use the eye to return
to your profound center...
...our eyes are always so busy,
but if we
close the veil of the eye-lid
a few times a day,
(become aware of our breathing)
and allow the eye to look
we will be blessed with creativity,
and an inward vision.
Now rinse and repeat...
rinse and retreat...
rinse and repeat...
rinse and take flight,
as the doves and crows
intertwine in a lovely
ying yang design,
so it is written and will
for now and for
however longer be.
Bunny Villaire
(Edit #3)
Art by: Klaus Camarena Garcia