We need more things.
OK, no prob
Let's build this bot
Let's turn this knob
A rush of industrialism my friend!
We'll make things faster
We'll progress, in the end
We need more hands
OK, no sweat
Let the labor force study
Let them wallow in debt
A surge of willing workers abound my friend!
We'll make things smarter
We'll progress, in the end
We need more power
OK, on it
Let's mine this field
Let's frack this $!@#
A bedrock of tappable energy my friend!
We'll make things harder
We'll progress, in the end
We need more supply
OK, right on
Let's drain this lake
Let's chop the Amazon
A motherlode of natural materials my friend!
We'll make things cheaper
We'll progress, in the end
We need more time
Uh-oh, too late
There's no more earth
To resuscitate
A graveyard of plastics await us my friend!
We'll make too many things
To progress, in the end