Write about your visions, dreams, hallucinations, trips, epiphanies... I want to read about the crazy, weird stuff that you've experienced. The stuff that's hard to explain or doesn't make sense. Preferably based on your actual experiences, but anything goes. No rules or word limits.
Jaguars in a Jungle Gym
When I was younger I would get a reacuring nightmare. This nightmare included both of my parents, my two brothers, my dog, my cat, and me. When I would get into the nightmare it would be in a restraunt like Jungle Gym, but super big. My family and I were all spread out while the jaguar would get run around. By the end of the dream I would end up watching some of my family get hurt. At the end I died everytime, but it was a different way each time. So my childhood nightmares were scary backthen so yay.