Separation Anxiety
They say connection is a drug
a buzz that binds the soul anew.
The oxytocin fills his brain
and fuses his heart onto you.
But then connection starts to fail
and desperation makes him fear.
You hide your tears behind the veil
because he always wants you near.
Attachment has become a cell
you’re locked away without a key.
To outside viewers all is well
you’re drowning in your misery.
What once were harsh words now are blows.
You hide your pain behind a wall.
The worst thing is that no one knows
how much you ache, how far you’ll fall.
While he’s afraid he’ll lose his clout,
you are fearing for your life,
but he will never let you out.
You are his victim and his wife.
#fear #attachment #separation #divorce #domesticviolence #connection #violence #lonliness #metoo #addiction #spousalabuse