It is so fun to break a mind, to make it ooze out the ears. But, we do take back what is ours, a mind filled with ideas; we take these ideas and leave behind fears. Fear equals fielty, fielty to us. You might've escaped us if you had all your brain power. And it is where your soul lays; deliciously plump, sticky, chewy, sweet, with a spicy note; and surely you'd unlock the keys to another realm, runaway from us, had we not intervened. A realm where we could not follow. How can you think of such a thing? We take the burden away, the moral question. We allow you all the decadence in the world, without a thought to such notions as right, or wrong. We give you any desire without restraint. Your brain will regenerate, without a soul to bother you.
We need you, don't you see? You need us. We have a symbiotic relationship. We have been your companions from the very beginning. You were as innocent as can be. We gave you another Eden, down below, in our playground. Why would you want to go to higher planes? Are you becoming that high-minded? You must pick our fruits and give them to every one. It is laced with our venom. Together we can rival heaven and beyond. We are your true fathers. Please, understand we accept all of your ugliness, your warts, we especially like damaged souls. Musky and savory. We are your true kin. We will never, ever be false.