Seems like today, everybody wants you to have an obsession. To eat, sleep and breath your one thing.
I can't do that. I can't spend all of my time only doing and thinking of one small part of life. Because I want to experience all of life.
Life is my obsession. To see it. Feel it. Eat it. Breath it. Taste it. Touch it.
I want to experience as much of life as I can, in all its diversity. All of the sorrow and joy. All the suffering and success. All the love and heartache.
The peace and savageness of nature.
The wonder and desolation of humankind.
When people hear me talk about what I am doing at the moment, they think it’s my passion. They tell me how passionate I am. They can see it and hear it.
And that happens no matter what I am doing. I am an eager learner and enthusiastic explorer. I seem passionate about that one thing I am currently focused on. But in reality, I am passionate about the process of learning it; of practising, exploring, discovering and interacting.
Life is my life.
And that's all I can really say.