Overwhelmed and Unmotivated
I think one of the biggest problems is being overwhelmed by how many problems there are in this world. The second part of that is being unmotivated by being overwhelmed, so nothing ever gets done to fix these problems. I often find that media/news/society tends to overwhelm the mass public with these issues, and while it's great to be informed... you can only do so much before collapsing from the weight of it all. I constantly hear from friends via facebook or other forms of social media, that if you don't do anything about "such and such" then you don't really care about the issue. The thing is I do care, most people do care, it's just we only have so many hours in the day to take care of the problems that concern us the most. The most effective people are ones that fight one issue at a time, and stay focused on that problem until it is resolved. Perhaps if every person was motivated to pick a problem and focus on fixing it before being distracted and overwhelmed by 5 different other issues, we'd have less indifference, less stress, more productivity, possibly help deal with symptoms of anxiety/depression etc. Perhaps I'm being too analytical here, but I guess what I'm trying to is, the best ways to fix bigger issues in the world is to fix the problems within and around your circle first. Almost like a muscle, you have to work it out by starting small and work your way up to heavier weights. Only then can you begin to see results from your efforts.