I don't, nor have I ever, written professionally,
and still, I know the value of a good critique.
For example, I like to experiment,
with structure and syllable counts,
layers, and shades of meaning,
aaaaand forget I'm also communicating.
I enjoy exploring possibilities,
toying with perspective realities,
make things tangible from imagining,
in short stories and lots of poetry;
but why bother in sharing,
if only I'm understanding,
what it is I'm describing?
A good critique will often ask questions,
probe the gap between writer and audience,
between narrator and reader experience,
in word choices and structure of sentences,
and the meanings the writer intended,
with their own reader's perspective;
which, we should note, is entirely elective.
We create these experiences in moments,
and good critiques complete the circuit.
- M.E.