There’s Strength In Being Alone.
Some people fear drowning, while others fear death itself. Some have phobias of spiders, and others have phobias that don't even make much sense. I however, fear being alone. It's the thoughts that grip me when the silence creeps in.
I've always considered my mind like an am radio station with no off button. Sometimes it's static, but for the most part my mind is just an endless chatter box. Some of these thoughts productive, and some are even positive. However, 90% of my thoughts are negative. It's the same for every person.
Other people are distractions that feed my soul and keep my mind busy, yet, when alone, my mind races on. Who am I? What happens after I die? Why am I here? What's my purpose? These are the thoughts that race through my mind when i'm alone.
I'll often spend nights awake, ruminating on the topic of death. Where will I go? Does it even matter? How will I make my life worthwhile? Does that even matter? These are the thoughts that race through my mind when i'm alone.
Being alone is like confronting a mirror, and on the other side of that mirror is yourself, your true Self. Your desires, ambitions and goals, but also, your fears, regrets and grievances. Being alone forces you to confront all the things which we spend our days running away from.
One who can embrace loneliness, someone who can truly embrace the silence; that's the person I admire the most, for that is the person who knows and believes in himself. The person who can value their decisions, beliefs and values.
#desires #trueself #soul #purpose #life #positivity #productivity #mind #mindfulness