Who is this being?
One killed by his
Own kin, brother
Same flesh & blood
That past, a dark cloud
Later saved by his sister
Now watches over. Osiris,
The powerful being...
O, say I can stare death
In it’s face with no fear
For he rules over it—
Nothing to worry about
Little children, & my dear
I have abundant faith
In him, the one who
Rules over the dead
Ever loving and true..
Please, pass the mead~
*takes a sip*
Right, where was I?
With him I am certain
That I shall face no harm
In this life or the next
Osiris is the very best
Has such a mighty arm
To shield me from the rain
I can go for hours
Singing praise of him
Or dance every second
On his path there’s no bend
The only thing I dream
Of is pleasing Osiris.
Living and breathing
To work hard daily
In order to receive blessings.
(N.B. inspired by and based on ancient Egyptian religious beliefs in, Osiris, the god of fertility, alcohol, vegetation, life, agriculture, the afterlife, death & ressurection).