A Love Letter to “Death Note”
Death Note was one of the first anime I ever watched, and I was immediately drawn in by the engaging story and unique characters. I was about 16 years old at the time I watched this series. I’d seen several other anime before this, but none of them held my attention quite like Death Note did. l binged through the series, always eager to go to the next episode.
I loved the elaborate, ongoing mystery throughout it. Constantly, I wondered what would happen next. This series truly made me think, laugh, rage, and even cry. That’s how invested I was in the story and characters. Even six years later, Death Note is still one of my favorite anime, and it has stayed fresh in my mind.
Ultimately, this series made me love anime even more than I already did. It showed me how clever and deep an animated show could really be. It also began my preference for darker anime, which I retain to this day. And, if this tells you anything, Light Yagami is still one of my least favorite characters. My dislike for him hasn’t diminished at all.