Be careful. Because...
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Heart Break
*Be careful, because I'm sure that he's fragile. Don't just say, "I don't have any feelings for you." Sugarcoat it.*
I set my phone down, wondering how to respond to Josh. We were good friends, then out of the blue he likes me? What do I even say to that?
My phone dings again. Jenny.
*As long as you get the message across without seeming hostile, you should be in the clear.*
I pull up Josh in my contacts, and stare at the screen, unsure of what to type.
I start my rejection note, then delete it.
The pattern continues, until
It's Josh.
*Hey, sorry wrong person. Hope I didn't freak you out.*
Well, on one hand, thank God.
On the other hand, now I feel kind of let down. What girl would be better than me?
Ugh, Boys.