Use your voices
You say we don't have a problem
Guns don't kill
People do
But from what I see assault weapons do
Why do we need guns that can shoot so much at a time
You can't hunt animals with them but it's ok to hunt humans
That is what is happening
Time to fix the people not gun laws
Well let's look at that
We had a law limiting mentally unstable people that you overturned .
You took funding away for mental health also .
Fix the people that do this right ok
Guns in the wrong hands become a bomb waiting to go off .
You light there fuses making statements against immigrants there monsters you say
Well has an immigrant or black person been in these mass shootings as a shooter no dare not I say .
All white peoples are not bad but we have some that are very very bad .
Today I'm sad to wake up to an America the world sees as unable to fix this whole thing .
Only more death and despair
Politicians argue over reasons why
But get nothing done
America wake up and see the problem
If they won't do nothing
Get rid of them all peacefully
Use the power of the ballot
Vote them all out
Replace them all
Go for independents
Doesn't have to be democrat or republican
Vote for people who are like all of us
That will take action
No action just continues this epidemic .
The time is now the time is right .
Get to the real problem
Ban assault rifles and bullets
I agree 2nd amendment should stand
We have a right to our guns our founding fathers would have banned these weapons and kept hand guns shotguns .
So as you think about it hug your families tell them you love them everyday .
Because America has become a ticking time bomb .
When will the next one happen where will it be .
Could be your hometown
Could be at a mcdonalds or Taco Bell next .
Imagine going to eat out and kids playing in the playground then suddenly life is forever changed
Let's be sensible about this
Use the power of your vote
Vote for action not inaction .
America can and needs to change .
We love America red white and blue
Home of the brave
Let's be brave and vote with our hearts and minds
Together we can change
Together we can do what is right
Together yes with one voice our voices will be heard .
Just vote and United we can change things for a safer America .
God bless the United States of America .