Imagination or War?
I always liked spiders. They are facinating creatures, and the amazing things they can do, works of art! As a child I took up a habit of finding dead flies in the windows, and placing them by webs hidden in the corners of my livingroom. Since my father was miltary and we moved about quite a bit I suppose I was 'making friends' in my own kind of weird way. I became disapointed when I found that my 'offering' wasn't accepted. As an adult I can guess that the little flies were dried up from expsure in the sunlight. From time to time when I swat a fly I think back on my spider excapades and wonder if a fresh kill would be accepted.
Is that really safe though?
My imagination can be powerful at times.
What if there is an on going war that is taking place on a global scale? All this esponage would be going on within the mintaure world of insects and arachnids. Surely my interference would be taken as a decleration of alliance with the eight legged creatures?
Is that so bad? I perfer spiders over the pesky flying insects anyday.
They're just flies! Surley if I kill one or two nothing bad can happen.
So why did I find my kitchen floor covered in maggots? They're every where! It's like killing one attracted more, are they actualy mutated shark flies? As I murder them with my vacume cleaner a small part of me can't help but think I'll wake up with the creepy white maggots crawling across my body. As I scream the adult forms would be flying above me in droves. Some how they're black bodies will come together to form a message. "Take no sides." I shiver. My imagination was hard at work driving me mad.
However, the idea can't leave my head. It's too vivid a daynightmare for my liking. If there is a war going on, let's let them battle it out on their own. Best to keep to myself.
That night I make sure nothing is flying around my room, before I shake my head at the silliness of it all. Suddently I am dreaming, in my dream I lay on my bed, there are no flies, but dark shapes are crawling across the walls. They scuttle through the window, along my floor, across my sheets, down my head board, they dive into my hair and crawl across my skin. I feel their many legs poking at my ears, my nose, my mouth and I wake up screaming. I pat myself down, turn the light on and lift up my pillows and blankets to see if any spiders are hiding. None, it was all a dream.
Still it's a long time before my body calms down enough to rest. The next day I swat a fly with my book, picking it up, I place it near a web.
My imagination isn't scary...its terrifying at times. Strangley I still prefer spiders.
That night I place fly strips about my room. Better safe then sorry.