Paternally Pensive
· You yourself have called yourself a “cowboy” but you have never herded cows and are not a boy. Why do you, and the rest of society, generalize “cowboy” to any man in western attire?
· You often refer to yourself as a “jack of all trades and master of none”. Does that fact mean that you disagree with the phrase quality over quantity? Explain your reasoning, or are you not a master of argumentation?
· The epithet “tow-head” was wielded repeatedly to reference your light head of hair. What is the purpose of “tow” in this context? Is it an insult? If you don’t know, why do you use a word you do not know the meaning of?
· You insist that the desert-native plant ocotillo is pronounced (OH-ca-TEE-ya). Why is the pronunciation of ocotillo (OH-ca-TEE-yo) a debate with you?
· Growing up, you frequently told your daughter: “Living in the southwest meant that I was a minority amongst minorities.” Bearing characteristically Anglo-Saxon features with blue eyes and a head of fair, almost white head of hair branded you a glaring minority on a micro-level amongst your Hispanic peers minorized on a macro-level. What did you learn from being the odd one out?
· White light, when siphoned through a triangular prism, will unfurl a spectrum of colors. Can you explain why ‘colorless’ is a synonym for ‘white’?
· True or False: Is the medicalization of alcoholism harmful? Does it arm alcoholics such as yourself with the defense: “It’s a disease; I cannot control it.” What are qualifiers for disease anyway? Is illness merely nature’s work, or does nurture have a role too? Is the very ambivalence of disease a warranted catalyst for confusion?
· Why do you repeatedly call my bestie Adelina, "Adeline"? A subconscious urge to anglicize her? If my hypothesis is veridical, then you must have had a subconscious urge to hispanize my mother’s name when you addressed her as “Carolita” on cards or whenever the summer sun extricated her ethnic ambiguity. In any case, "Adeline" repeatedly championed Carolita’s home-made salsa, so I suppose her ravenous ravings would second your evaluation.