The inner-me
Burn always oh gentle spirit
You were sometimes in me like a dead beach
Gone days when deep you are I cannot reach
You're unsearchable but always i beseeched
However, you were woken alive and legit
When Christ set me on the spirit lane
Lane, where no death and flesh sustains
He breaks me with bitters and sugar cane
When am Normal the worldly said am insane
He told me to fear not for I not be ashamed
Happy I am in whom am broken
Smooth and rough still his grace is unspoken
Get close to him much is that you called token
Journey on his track,hold his word as baton
Run a complete race you own a divine haven
The bread of life
In you am ready to strife
Fountain of living water
Fill me to always thirst
Consuming fire
Set me on fire and never to tire
Even when I sigh
Let devil say kai
Eyes of fire
Let it consume lies in liar
Thank for the admission to school of becoming a spirit