Love comes easy
Love comes easy to me
Does that make you uneasy?
Does my care be unfit for a society
built on cruelty?
Does my affection create tension in your mind
ridden with ill intentions?
Then really I am not to be
Unfit for this society
Unloving, Uncaring, mistrusting of thee
whether it be your own or of another
In a world connected
realize that disconnected
We are less in our humanity
where there is no sympathy, empathy since
pain creates disdain not restrain
It harbors hateful zest that nests in a heart of greed
But never it was never meant to be this way
This way of life filled with remains
So maybe lets'fill it once more with emotions
That transcends and transforms a frown
into a crown on the head of a queen that
has her smile which bursts into laughter
So maybe my love made you uneasy
but baby it's because a smile wanted to push through
your beautiful cheeks and make you feel cheezy, breezy, queazy in love