At the End of the Track
I sit physically paralyzed by indecision
I tremble with worry
I can’t focus
It is all just too much
It never stops
Agonizing thoughts drag my all-too submissive brain along for the ride
They come pouring down without apology
I stand in the direct spout of a running faucet of all-consuming despair
Each droplet that hits my body stinging with self-criticism
The droplets rush so fast I am in danger of drowning
I try to pull myself out, try to refocus on something else
Instead I am now locked onto a train with no brakes
It rushes faster and faster
Running, running, running
Charging ahead towards an inevitable fall, for the bridge is out
The bridge is out and I cannot stop the train
It continues running with it’s own self-sustaining fuel
The bridge grows ever closer
I turn and try to run back through the train cars, away from the severed bridge
I run backwards thruogh a charging train making no progress
I can’t even sustain a pace to match the train so much that I should make no gains
No, instead I am pulled backwards
My running is for naught
I am running in the wrong direction
I am not strong enough to best the forces pulling me inevitably in the opposite direction
I near the bridge and the sink fills with water
I can’t run anymore