Challenge of the Month IX: September
The Tables, Turned. You (or your character) awaken to find your gender has been reversed. Fiction or non-fiction, poetry or Prose. $100 purse to our favorite entry. Outstanding entries will be shared with our publishing partners.
Nurse Della Woke Up
The job became unbearable
Coworkers they were terrible
I was in charge of eighteen men
My staff consisted of women
The men were forced to be there
They broke the law they did not care
"Fuck you bitch!" they said to us
But we were not supposed to cuss
They took their shirts off for to fight
The female staff knew wasn't right
They ran around like two year olds
We could not spank we could not scold
The hospital employed no men
Inmates in care of slight women
I fell asleep the dream I had
That I had muscle I was "bad"
I was tough as Hercules
I brought the inmates to their knees
I took control of my domain
The inmates suddenly insane
No more riots no more pain
Can't wait to go to work again