(Entry 61 - 03. 09. 2019 )
Life in general, a learning process
With teachers, without teachers
Academic success has limitations
With good teachers or not
At crawling stage, 1cm at a time
Hand-holding &duck-feeding still works
Once a certain level reached
Self-teaching & self-managing inevitable
Resourcefulness & finance is one thing
Schematic development specifically tailored is another
To do that, one must know what one is doing
No teacher can creep in one’s tummy & read minds forever
Should you find yourself a coach
They would ask what you want
But most of us really don’t know what we want
Then the coaching would have to rely on much guess work
Then, misinterprete, mismanage & misguide
Resulting in misunderstanding, missed opportunities & misfortune
Does that explain so few actually make it to the top
Whereas most still ever so vigorously struggle to make ends meet
As for me, academic experience long gone
But learning process never stopped
At 50, learning is still much of daily working progress
Led by no one, but my own gut instincts