Kaleidoscope eyes
We were blotted on with colorful paint
That couldn’t be erased
We smiled at our secretive adventures
And cried about parting the next day.
Everything felt surreal and twisted
As if looking into a kaleidoscope
Our dreams and nightmares
Flickering like shadows
Dancing around a flame,
Taunting it
And memories others would try and ignore
We would recreate in our minds.
Like when I was a waddling two year old
Unconscious of my language,
Or an independent five year old
Falling off my bike for the first time
But then I became what you knew I would be
A burden.
Of course you still loved me
But only because our kaleidoscope visions returned
Yours of unreal hearts and stars,
And mine of black meteors hurling through the symmetrical shapes
And I found myself lost without a map
But you’re everything to me.
I never tell you because I wrapped up in guilt and pride,
But it hurts when you tell me I’m wrong or dishonest
Because although the phrase says
Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
They do.
But love defies every prideful saying
While breaking us
Making us vulnerable.
But what love also defies
Is sin
And instead of reveling in our own
Pain sorrow and pride
We watch it unravel and erase
Like chalk on a chalkboard
And yes we may have twisted kaleidoscope eyes
But that’s better than living in reality
Because I don’t want to lose you in a sea of
or anxiety
I want to be lost with you
In indulgence happiness joy and life
So don’t lose faith,
Or my kaleidoscope eyes will be broken
Because you’re the only thing that keeps them running.