Shame at the Beginning, Shame at the..?
Shall I tell you tales to disquiet us
How even now my brain wishes to squash
And yet the tales spring up like eczema
Muddling my mind to levels quantum
Even that which should be forgiveable
School day when I shared a friend’s dark secrets
How sorry I was when I saw her blush
Anger at her then gone lika a ninja
Moved aside for a silencing vacuum
Extinguished friendship, now forever gone.
Sometimes you pick the wrong sort of boyfriends
Hallelujah, didn't pick you back, which,
After seeing darkness, my brain said whoa,
Marking him in a new light, made me squirm
Even rejection can be a good save.
School day again, full of presentations
Hard work complete, but for the last huzzah
Almost right before I saw my bra was,
Mixed up when my brain, still stuck in a dream
Errantly green, through my shirt that was white.
Sorry to bring up all these awkward tales
Hardly more appealing than a gut punch
Ask for discomfort, receive bonanza
Maybe, though, this will help my brain becalm
Even laugh, forgive, and say, that's just me