The police lights lit up the night and one of the officers were talking to a small child.
"There, there little one. We're taking your sister's friend into custody where she can't hurt anyone anymore. What's your name, sweetheart?"
"Julie." Sobbed the little girl, whose sister had just been stabbed to death.
"I didn't do anything!! I didn't kill my friend! Let me go!" I shouted.
"Keep her quiet! She's done enough for one night!" Yelled the commanding officer, before turning back to Julie. "Everything will be alright, we're here to help."
They locked me in the back of the car where my screams and pleads were muffled.
Then the parrot spoke up. At first it screeched as if it were screaming, getting the attention of those around it. And then it began to beg: "Please don't stab me Julie!!"