Recovery in Small Steps
Take a step forward.
Take this slow—don't try to rush.
Remember: I'm here.
Please just be careful.
I know this is hard for you.
It's hard for me too.
Please don't say I don't
Understand. Trust me, I do.
Much more than you know.
Please don't turn away,
I'm just trying to help you.
Don't you understand?
I know you need me—
At least you need me right now—
I need you too, dear.
Don't fall over, please,
Just let me help you, darling.
Sit and rest awhile.
Yes, I know it hurts.
It hurts me just to watch you
Hurt so much, sweetie.
I'm sorry. I am
So very sorry that this
Happened to you, dear.
Here, take my hand. No,
Please don't reject me, darling,
Please just take my hand.
You can get through this.
I know, it will be hard, but
Darling, I am here.
You don't have to go
Through this alone. I will stand
Beside you, sweetie.
I won't let you be
Alone. You will have someone
With you always, dear.
Darling, you will heal.
You will win this battle. You
Are too strong to lose.
Alright, let's try this
Again. Try to stand up. There,
You are going great.
Here, let me back up.
Try to walk to me. Don't push
Yourself too far, dear.
There you go, you are
Doing great. Just a few more
Steps and you'll be here.
Great! You made it! I
Am so proud of you, sweetie.
Give me a hug, dear.
Alright, you need rest.
You've improved greatly today.
No need to do more.
Just lie down right here.
I will stay until you fall
Asleep. Close your eyes.
Yes, get plenty of
Rest. You'll need it. Tomorrow
We'll do more, sweetie.
Goodnight, darling. Have
Sweet dreams. Dream of healthiness,
Of achievement, dear.
I know you can do
It. You will recover. You
Just need some more time.