Errant Words
M: How are you?
L: Fine. You?
M: Fine...
M: Good talk.
L: Lol. Ok. What’s going on?
M: Nothing, the usual.
L: How was the trip? Aunt said you killed her.
M: Did I? She did alright. She is almost 60.
L: You know you did. She said you were upset. Why?
M: Just the same ol, same ol. Not worth talking about.
L: Just say it.
M: It doesn’t matter. I’m just depressed.
L: God
M: What
L: You know it could always be worse. But, you know how I feel about that.
M: Don‘t ever say that to someone who is depressed. It’s extremely dismissive and judgmental. You have no idea what my life is like.
L: I’m not judgmental. I used to be friends with homeless people in high school. Anyone who really knows me would say I’m the least judgmental person they ever met.
M: I didn’t say you were a judgmental person, I said what you say can be judgmental, there’s a difference.
L: If you feel judged that’s on you. I’m just being myself and saying my opinion. No one can make you feel anyway, you are in control of how you feel.
M: If you have no knowledge of what you are talking about, you’re being judgemental. Where do your opinions come from if you and I never talk?
L: I’m not judgmental.
M: You know what just forget it. You don’t and never have given a fuck about me.
L: You‘re right forget it. I’m feeling attacked and I don’t need this right now.