dangerous hope
Dangling down from a half severed rope
Reaching out,
And failing each time,
This is the end of the story,
Rather than the beginning,
Since there is none
Just a build up and a bag and a bottle,
There was never a middle,
Where the tension raises and leaves everyone at the edge of their seats,
There was only waking up and falling asleep and falling and falling
More and more
Down again,
There is no story,
No منزل (destination)
No معنی (meaning)
It just went on,
Mountains and valleys,
And the rivers between them,
And into the seas,
There is no path you can follow
To see where I landed,
Or how I got there,
It just ended where it started,
And rose and fell all over the place.
There’s no way to understand it,
Except living through it yourself.
Its caves filled with water above sea level within the clouds,
Dangerous and phantasmal
Filled with hope and none at all.
Its Dangerous Hope,
In all its forms.
---so its dangerous to believe in something that wont come true