Recipe for a School Scandal
Mix 1 huge crush (for best results, use the hopeless kind) with a shy, anxious high school girl (preferably the not-comfortable-with-her-sexuality brand).
In a separate bowl, mix equal parts family pressure, homophobia, and stress. Make sure no to mix too heavily, as this will create self-esteem, which will ruin the whole dish. Mix 1 part homophobia with 2 parts parenting for an extra kick.
Add a super popular cheerleader to the bowl of crushes, with a sprinkling of doubt. Mix thoroughly.
In another bowl, add a growing movement, prom, and media attention to the mix.
Spread the girls thin across a baking sheet, until the mixture is so thin there are holes in it. Pour the bowl of issues on top, layering the contents of the mixture. Add the media attention bowl, making sure to put enough on that you can't see the girls anymore. Bake for months, until one finally has the courage to ask the other out.
Then watch the tears pour as you unveil your new dish in the middle of your high school prom!