My Favorite Metaphor (credit YouTube)
Liking someone of the same gender is like preferring pineapple on pizza. Some people don’t like it (me, I hate pineapple on pizza. But I don’t care if you do). But other people love it. There will always be someone out there who’s a hater and that’s their full time job. That doesn’t mean you have to make that your job, too. It doesn’t even pay anything. Loving someone regardless of pronouns is just a preference, it’s not a sin and it’s not a bad thing at all. Some people view it as unholy, but others, they tolerate it. And others still are a part of the pineapple-lovers community.
What does homophobia do to our society? Well, what did anti-Semitism do to us? We ended up killing millions, torturing and scarring many others. Not only that, but there was the verbal abuse from all sides. There was the stigma. Tell me, how is this different from now? Sure, there aren’t concentration camps yet, but there is verbal abuse, and physical abuse. People are dying.
People are dying. Not sinners, not aliens. People. They live lives just like us, except they have to hide as if they were aliens. I am not an alien. Some days, I wish I was, because I don’t want to be a part of our human race. There are good people. But these good people get shoved down and slandered by tyrants.
Do you want America to become the new Germany? To have people look at our country and say, “Oh, that’s where so and so brutalized millions of people for virtually no reason.”
I know it’s unfair to Germans. There are many Germans who are honorable and loving and all the things we self-centered Americans claim to be. But they will forever be tainted under the stigma of Hitler, just like Americans are stained by being one of the last countries to outlaw slavery.
Do we need another stigma? I don’t think so. I’ve made it a life goal to not be an ignorant American.
I don’t want to be that person who is an all around culturally deprived asshole.
I don’t want to live in a country where being gay/trans/etc. is a sin. Do you?